For a dry-run of the DiDA Project, I am required to make a 50-second movie about my hometown. The following video took around an hour to shoot and two-and-a-half hours to compile. It was created in the unreliable Windows Movie Maker. It is being posted here so I can test embedding within web pages.
Both video images and still images were taken on digital ‘stills’ cameras, without the aid of a tripod. This is my excuse for poor quality. In addition, everything had to be squeezed into 50 seconds to comply with our guidelines.
Yes, I am aware that is is 2006, but our videos had to be made to last year’s DiDA SPB, and were to be entered into the ‘one world’ project. Thanks to Kris Dahl of for permission to use some of his piece ‘Curious Coincidence’.
The majority of this quick 50-second movie was taken on my Digimax A5 stills camera, with one or two of the stills being taken on my friend Jess’s generic Vivitar camera.