Comments back online

Just a general notice:  my commenting system is back!

For a couple of months now I’ve been getting some weirdass bugs with it… for instance, the submit button would jump away if you moved your mouse near it.  Quite funny to watch, but not very practical.

I just re-wrote it pretty much from the ground up, and it seems to be working OK so far.  For now.  For the time being all that I’m aware of is a cosmetic issue with the submit button overlapping the text area in IE7 – if you notice any bugs on other browsers then drop me a line in the comments.

See those cool little avatars next to peoples’ comments down below?  Those are called Gravatars, and they’re basically little display pictures that follow you round the internet on Gravatar-enabled sites based on your email.   They’re free.  The latest release of WordPress, the platform behind, has Gravatar support built-in.  If you don’t have a Gravatar already then they’re about to take off so now could be a good time to make yourself one.

Next step is to re-write the footer and sidebar to actually be useful.  But more on that later.

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  1. You should talk about more juicy stuff in your blog, everyone loves a bit o’ gossip ^^ (so long as its nothing bad about m)


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