
I have now formally ceased blogging on this site, and have moved my web presence to danfoy.com. This blog continues under a new guise at danfoy.com/blog (with a new RSS feed). This blog will be archived, and in time orangeacid.net will become a portal for the other sites it hosts: danfoy photo KatrinaHarrison.com NTU Interlaced

FORMAT Submission Preview

I’ve been doing some stuff with QUAD, the festival’s organizers, for the past year or so. As part of this I’ve been asked to contribute towards an exhibit in Derby Museum and Art Gallery during QUAD. I’m working with a group of four, and together we have chosen the FORMAT 09 theme of ‘tension and suspense’ and have based our pieces around the sub-theme of masks. Each photographer is creating a series of three images. Here is an in-progress version of the final frame of my piece.

Rhianna Page

Last Monday was the one year anniversary of Rhianna Page’s death. Rhi was a student at Landau Forte College in the year above me. If you’ve found this post because you’re looking for details of Rhi’s commemorative party this year, then don’t worry, you didn’t miss it, the one on Monday was cancelled for fear of bad weather. It’s been rearranged for Friday, 12PM, Darley Park, opposite the swings. Sadly it looks like the weather will be even worse on Friday. Meh, we’ll work something out.

The truth about sleeping patterns

The little taskbar clock reads 00:57. I told my girlfriend I would have to leave lest I inadvertently drop off on the keyboard and write a 125,000 character thesis on sleep deprivation consisting mostly of the letters G, F and J (again), but actually I feel perfectly alert. Turns out that, according to this excellent article on sleep, your body doesn’t actually make itself feel tired because you need to rest. In reality, you feel drowsy because your circadianrhythm (read: body-clock) wants you off in order to perform some mental housekeeping.