I have now formally ceased blogging on this site, and have moved my web presence to danfoy.com. This blog continues under a new guise at danfoy.com/blog (with a new RSS feed). This blog will be archived, and in time orangeacid.net will become a portal for the other sites it hosts: danfoy photo KatrinaHarrison.com NTU Interlaced
Category Archives: General
An Open Letter to NatWest
Please allow me to explain why your motto is criminally misleading, and why you annoy me to the degree that I have taken 30 minutes of time out of my life to write this whingey yet psychologically soothing open letter regarding how much you suck.
Stress release
Ever been so strung out that you’ve forgotten what it feels like to be able to take things at your own pace? It sucks, but returning to ‘normality’ is an excellent feeling. I took my last AS examination for this period earlier today. It was comprehension, cunningly disguised in an Applied-ICT-shaped suit. Before that there […]
Cleaning my processor
The fan system above the processor in my computer was pretty dusty, but also pretty hot, so I decided to wait for it to cool before spraying the compressed air. Lucky I did really: it gave me a chance to read the label properly, and as it turns out, the ‘compressed air’ is actually a chemical mix that is highly flammable. I decided to do a quick spark-check on the residue that I presume shouldn’t really be evident from compressed air, but was being produced in copious amounts from my canister.
I initially tried this on an old Marshall practice amp that I have in my room, but I’m not trying that again. I tried it out on an unused skateboard after and took some pictures to give you some sort of idea of the flammability:
The redesign…
…is coming 😉
Rhianna Page
Rhi. This doesn’t seem quite real in a horrible sort of way. 9 days ago I was walking to school with you for exams. I only had one 2-hour exam, but you had something stupid, five or six. We got to the gate and I told you I’d catch you later. Maybe someday we’ll walk […]