I’m not entirely sure how, but in attempting to add a search box to the top of orangeacid.net I’ve managed to disable the header links and retard my headings. I’d take the time to fix them now, but to be honest I feel like shit, so it will have to wait. I caught this cold […]
Category Archives: Ramblings
Selling the Warranties
As part if my job as salesman at Comet I have to sell warranties. The total value of the warranties I sell during the week is inputted into my sales matrix. In theory, if I meet my average-sales-per-hour target, and of my total at least 8% is essentials such as cables and tables, and another […]
Quietening my processor
OK, so the compressed air thing didn’t really work. The volume of this thing really has to be heard to be believed. It is possibly even louder than my old base unit which had some sort of beasty extractor fan on the side. I’m pretty sure that it’s not the PSU fan, because that makes […]
Setting the standard
‘Treat others as you would like to be treated’ – a classic rule that was told to a class of 28 starry-eyed innocents 4 years ago in one of my year’s initial RE lessons. It’s tacky, it’s cheesy, but it’s also a tactful way of saying ‘stop being so conceited you egotistical little fuck’. But […]
Not unhappy, just tired
Have you ever noticed that when you’re tired, you’re often also unhappy? Or that when you’re unhappy you just want to sleep? I wake up at 7.30 every weekday morning. I can’t get around that – it is the absolute latest that I can get up and only be very slightly late to school. I […]
Some things just don’t get done
At the end of the day, as I empty my locker and pack my diary, I decide that once I am home I will concentrate on just perhaps one or two broad tasks before I sleep. Usually I have something specific in mind – installing a new hard-drive, learning more about PHP and finishing my […]