For a couple of months now I’ve been getting some weirdass bugs with my commenting system. I just re-wrote it pretty much from the ground up, and it seems to be working OK so far. For now. For the time being all that I’m aware of is a cosmetic issue with the submit button overlapping the text area in IE7 – if you notice any bugs on other browsers then drop me a line in the comments.
Category Archives: Site News
We’re back
So what was I doing at the Urbis center in Manchester a couple of hours ago? I’m one of a team of young people from Derby collaborating with Derby QUAD to participate in the Portrait of a Nation project.
The Firefox Submit Comment Bug
Viewing this blog in Firefox and trying to comment may be a stressful experience for you – the submit button bounces around the page when you try to mouseover. I’ve only encountered this in Firefox and IE 7 and Opera seem fine, although I guess it might occur naturally in Safari and elsewhere in the […]
WordPress 2.3
I updated my blog’s platform last night. It was a seamless transition, and there is now tagging support for me to implement. Apart from that, there doesn’t really seem to be anything different. Also, these bugs are starting to really irritate me. In Internet Explorer 6 the post headers are in weird places, and run […]
The next 12 months
You may have noticed that has been offline for 3 or 4 days. Turns out my hosts had out of date card information, but the site is now back for at least another year. So what’s happening over the next 12 months? The site will continue to be used for it’s primary uses of […]
Behind the scenes…
I was up last night until three coding the sequel to orangeacid-v1. Here’s a sneak preview: